Saint Andrew’s enjoys a wide variety of worship styles within the structure of the Anglican liturgy. We might sing an African American spiritual, a 17th century German hymn and a modern liturgical piece in the same service. Our primary musical resources are the Episcopal Hymnal 1982 and our own St. Andrew’s Hymnal Supplement, and we frequently draw on dozens of other sources.

Meets every Thursday night at 7:30, led by Music Director Tim Drewes. We take a break in the summer months and then resume rehearsals in September.
Meets an hour before the service (4pm) on the 1st Sunday of the month. We sing and play music mostly from the Taizé community in France, with additional songs from many places.
You are invited to make music with us! The only prerequisite is a commitment to attend rehearsals and worship.
Please contact Music Director Tim Drewes for more information.