Children’s Ministries on Sundays
In-person at 10am
Following the Song of Praise, all children and youth are invited to follow the Children’s Banner for Children’s Chapel. We return to the sanctuary at The Peace so that we may all join in Communion with one another. There are activity bags for children in the Narthex for in-person worship.
Our Nursery is Open
Our recently remodeled nursery is open, and we are pleased to offer care during for babies and young children during the 10am service upon sign up. Advance signup is required by 12 noon Thursday in the week leading up to our Sunday Service. This will allow us to make sure we have two safety screened individuals present as required by the Diocese.
For further information or questions email Megan McInnis at meganm@ saintandrewsseattle.org.
Join our weekly Children’s Newsletters
Do you have children, ages 3 months to 5th grade and want to know more about the parish’s offerings for children? If so, join our newsletter by emailing Megan McInnis at meganm@saintandrewsseattle.org.