Since 2002, Creation Keepers has been active in the St. Andrew’s community, bringing it recognition as a leader in the Episcopal community, the broader inter-faith Earth Ministry organization, and Interfaith Power and Light. We’ve helped St. Andrew’s celebrate Earth Day, install solar panels, practice recycling, composting, and use of real dishes in our coffee hours and social events! We have supported behind the scenes work of making our facilities energy efficient as we seek to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and address the real work of alleviating climate disruption. We have invited greater appreciation of the sacredness of God’s creation through classes and field trips. We support the work of St. Andrew’s Sacred Grounds committee to care for our properties in a manner that honors our Creator. We celebrate St. Andrew’s collaboration with Seattle Public Utilities and King County to make our grounds “RainWise” and keep upwards of 100,000 gallons of rain runoff out of the sewer system annually.

Carbon Offset Partnership
Our diocese has a covenant partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Philippines to offset carbon emissions. The trees planted in the Philippines through this partnership have sequestered more than 94K tons of CO2. You can be a part of this through clicking here to fund your own carbon offsets and/or helping reduce CO2 at home. Read about the Carbon Offset Cooperative Mission of the Diocese of Olympia here. You also can watch former Bishop Rickel’s introductory video about the partnership.
Recycling, Composting, and Waste Management at St. Andrew’s
Creation Keepers has received grants from Seattle Public Utilities to develop a robust recycling, on-site composting & waste management system and from Seattle’s Office of Sustainability and Environment to support parishioners’ efforts to reduce energy use in homes.
Pledge to Care for Creation
Following the 2018 General Convention of the U.S. Episcopal Church, Episcopalians can make a pledge to care for creation – – and could even track their carbon usage –
Links to Opportunities for Community & Personal Initiatives