~Vacation Bible School July 7th-11th, 2025~

Saint Andrew’s VBS is coming back this year and is from July 7th-11th, 2025! We are excited to launch Camp Firelight: A Summer Camp Adventure with God. Feel free to invite your kids, grandkids, and friends! Camp Firelight is available for PreK (age four) through outgoing 5th Grade students. The cost of Saint Andrew’s VBS is:
- Whole Day (9a-3p) – $100 for first child, and $75 per additional sibling.
- Half Day (9a-12:30p) – $75 for first child, and $50 per additional sibling.
We don’t want anyone to be left out because of cost, so if you are concerned about the cost of VBS, please reach out to Megan McInnis at meganm@saintandrewsseattle.org and we can schedule a conversation.
To register for Saint Andrew’s Vacation Bible School, please click the “Register Here” button below and fill out the waiver provided.
To pay for Vacation Bible School, please click the “Pay Here” button below and place your payment under “Donate to Saint Andrews” with “VBS” in the description box. You can also send a check payable to Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church (111 NE 80th St. Seattle, WA 98115) with VBS in the Memo Line.