The Finance Committee is appointed by the Rector and currently is comprised of four members of the parish plus the following: Rector, Treasurer, Bookkeeper, Vestry Representative, Pledge Secretary, Senior Warden, and the Chair of the Buildings and Grounds Committee.
The committee meets at 6:30pm on the second Tuesday of January, May, July, September, October, November, and December. A special meeting may be called, or if no business needs to be attended to, a meeting may be canceled.
The committee reviews the monthly financial reports, oversees the annual internal and external financial reviews, works with the Rector to propose an annual budget to Vestry for their consideration, monitors actual income and expense as compared to budget throughout the year, responds to financial questions posed by Vestry or others, and addresses any other business that may be brought before the committee.
Serving on the finance committee can help a parish member understand the financial health of the parish and offers a meaningful way to support Staff and Vestry in their decision-making process. For more information or to express your interest in serving, contact Ken Feldman at