It was 1975, and the Diocese of Olympia was opening up the ministry of lay reading to women. I thought I’d like to try that; so I took the training and the test and became a licensed lay reader. Who would have thought all these years later I would still be doing that? I love St. Andrew’s for the people and the opportunity to contribute to the life of the community in various ways, including lay reading. For the past six years, I’ve also been scheduling the lay ministers for our services: lay readers and eucharistic ministers, prayer leaders, and healing ministers. As you consider how you might contribute to the life of St. Andrews’ community, I invite you to join us as a lay reader, prayer leader, lector, or intercessor.
– Sharon Wilson
Worship Leaders serve the congregation in a number of roles, including Eucharistic Ministers (chalice bearers), lay readers, and leaders for the Prayers of the People. Additional ministers are needed for the 10:00am Sunday service in particular. We are always to welcome new people to these ministries. There is no experience necessary, and we provide training to acquire licensing with the Diocese of Olympia (which is required). Please contact us if you are interested in learning about the licensing process.