“Prayer Shawls become tangible symbols of love when words can’t be found to adequately express one’s feelings. They can be warm hugs of happiness, empathy, and support; a private place of escape in which to rest, relax, and renew; something to hold onto when all else seems to be slipping away.” – Prayer Shawl Companion
Wrapping another in a shawl knit of your own prayers and loving thoughts is a gift, not only for the one receiving the shawl, but for yourself as well. If you are interested in knitting a prayer shawl for a friend, relative or one to donate to St. Andrew’s – to be passed on to someone having surgery, to a person going through a difficult time, or even to a new Mom to wrap around herself and a new baby in the wee hours – please let us know. For information, contact the church office at 206-523-7476.