The Little Sisters of St. Clare: A Franciscan Community of Women
The Little Sisters of St. Clare is a Community of faithful women who seek to live a contemplative life of prayer, study, and service, in the tradition of St. Clare and St. Francis
As a Community, our beliefs are seen in our actions, our worship, and in our commitment to a common life. We actively serve in the world through guiding children and youth; caring for the poor, the ill, and the marginalized; nurturing the environment; and healing the wounded. We are not cloistered but live independently, valuing our proximity to each other. We gather two to three times a year for Community worship and celebration. We gather monthly for Franciscan study and prayer, most typically in small Chapters located throughout the greater Puget Sound area of Western Washington and now have members in other states. Our Community was recognized by The Episcopal Church’s House of Bishops in 2002.
As individuals, our faith is rooted in our Baptismal Covenant; we express our response to God’s call in a lifestyle which interprets monastic traditions in a contemporary way. We guide our lives by the simple vows of simplicity, fidelity, and purity. We demonstrate our Franciscan roots in an attitude of respect and love for all creation, including deep care and consideration for each other. We are single, married and in committed relationships.