The organic garden ministry has been in place since 2007 and has transformed the church and community.
We are proud that 100% of the church yard waste (aside from weeds gone to seed) is composted on site and used in our gardening activities to produce food. About 15% of the food waste produced is harvested on site and used in gardening activities. Over the years, fresh produce from the garden has been used in the food ministry of the church for our monthly dinners for the Teen Feed program in the University District.
The garden has also served as a model for other houses of worship. The St. Andrew’s garden has also received grants, including awards from the Tilth Alliance (for materials to construct a large gravity fed composting system) and from from the Bishop’s Committee for the Environment (to offset most of the costs of its drip irrigation system).

Work parties take place on occasion, and Karen Chartier is our point person for neighborhood garden plots Contact Karen for more information.