The Vestry is the elected governing body of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. Four members are elected each year at our parish annual meeting. The Vestry has three primary canonical responsibilities:
Take care of the parish finances;
Take care of parish buildings; and
Recommend people from the parish for ordination in the Episcopal Church.
However, the Rector consults with the Vestry on many other aspects related to our common life at St. Andrew’s. A member of the Vestry should be open and willing to share their faith journey with others and to witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ in their life.
St. Andrew's Vestry 2025
Cheri Peele, Senior Warden
David Blindheim
Dan Cassady
Dan Catchpole
Annalisa Conserti-Jones
Vikki Day
Mark Gargett
Dorothy Gibson
Will Lewis
Lily Nichols
Diane Santiago
Charles Stahl
The Vestry typically meets on the third Tuesday of the month. If parishioners or church committees have items to be considered at an upcoming regular vestry meeting, those requests should be received by the rector or the wardens 14 days prior to the meeting for review and/or inclusion on the agenda.