The Rev. Kendall Haynes


The Rev. Kendall Haynes has just joined St. Andrew’s as our new Rector, and we welcome you to meet him on an upcoming Sunday.

Fr. Kendall is a lifelong Episcopalian, who has served as a priest for the past 19 years in congregations in the Dioceses of Chicago and Olympia. His name may be familiar to St. Andrew’s community because he preached here as a supply priest last summer. Kendall is excited to bring his experience with neighborhood congregational development to Green Lake with a focus on environmental and social justice. He is joined in this journey with his wife, Beth, and their three sons. More information about Kendall can be found on his website:

Megan McInnis

Children, Youth and Adult Formation Director 

206-523-7476, ext. 303

Megan is in the office Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 

Megan is a Portland native who has lived in the PNW her whole life. She received her BA in Christian Ministry from Warner Pacific University, along with minors in Human Development and Music. She worked with children and youth at Abundant Life Church while completing her degree and working part time. She earned her MDiv from Seattle Pacific Seminary in 2019 while interning at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church each week. 

Since middle school, Megan has had a passion for children’s ministry, and later youth ministry.  As an adolescent and young adult, she was involved in many areas of ministry which later turned into her passion for church work and Christian education and formation. As regards her hobbies of choice, Megan reads books of all kinds, loves music, and enjoys the outdoors when given the opportunity.

Tim Drewes

Music Director

206-523-7476 (leave a message on the St. Andrew’s general voicemail) 

Tim’s office hours are by appointment Wednesdays (12pm-3pm) & Thursdays (2pm-6pm) each week.

Tim is a native Northwesterner and PK (preacher’s kid), raised in Tacoma. He began playing for church services in junior high, and studied organ and piano at Pacific Lutheran University. An apprenticeship in organ building took him to New England, where he also continued his musical studies at New England Conservatory.

He and his wife, Cheryl (also an organist and church musician), spent 23 years in Portland, Oregon, before moving to the Puget Sound area. They have a son in graduate school studying … organ and church music.

When not playing the organ or piano, Tim can often be found walking in the mountains of Western Washington, bicycling, or working on his old house. He also has a small business doing tuning and maintenance on pipe organs.

Leslie McMichael

Parish Administrator


Leslie’s office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30AM to 2:30PM.

Leslie is a Northwest native with significant administrative skills, including holding the position of Office Administrator in a Congregational Church.  Leslie is a long-time musician who plays and teaches the harp throughout the Puget Sound region.  Leslie’s favorite musical pursuit is composing new scores for old films, specifically vintage silent films.  She has composed scores for movies from “Peter Pan” to “Snow White” and toured around the country playing live with silent film shows.

She and her husband, Marty, have a family of many cats and one turtle.  Leslie is delighted to join St. Andrew’s as Parish Administrator because she shares the church’s values of inclusion and environmental stewardship. 

Gretchen Hayslip

Outreach Missioner


Gretchen Hayslip is the Outreach Missioner at St. Andrew’s. She has been a member of St. Andrew’s for 30 years, serving on the vestry 3 times, as junior warden twice, and as senior warden once. Before retirement, she was an aquatic biologist at the Environmental Protection Agency. Gretchen says, “I’m looking forward to helping St. Andrew’s discern how best to serve those in need in our community. I believe that by serving others it will build community within St. Andrew’s and is a concrete demonstration of our faith to the outside world. I know that our parish has many gifts to share.” For many years, Gretchen volunteered at St. Andrew’s Jubilee dinner (program for feeding those in need) and she has led Teen Feed since 2023. She is excited to work with St. Andrew’s parishioners to engage us more deeply in our Christian call to serve the poor and hungry, ill and unhoused, both locally and further afield.

Kevin Deffinbaugh

Kevin is our part-time bookkeeper. His office hours are Monday, Wednesday, & Friday afternoons after 3:30 pm, except on holidays. Making an appointment is best.

206-523-7476 X306