
Kitchen Steward – The kitchens… everyone uses them, nobody is responsible for them! The kitchens are such an important part of our church between weekly coffee hours, monthly Teen Feed meal preparations, and many various special events throughout the year. The large kitchen particularly needs a kitchen steward–someone who will make sure coffee hour supplies are always ordered and stocked, who makes sure that the kitchens are cleaned and taken care of (either by themselves, or organizing a team to do it, etc.). Do you love having a clean, functional, well-looked-after kitchen here at the church? Please consider taking on this ministry position. Email the parish office if you are interested in helping. saintandrews@saintandrewsseattle.org
Filing – The filing system at St. Andrew’s needs to be gone over in its entirety! But to start, we would love to vet just one filing cabinet… that would mean making sure files are legible and easily accessible, removing any files that we no longer need, and preparing files for archival that we will keep for the history of our church and the requirements of our Diocese. Do you love organizing and getting rid of things that aren’t needed? This is the job for you!
Substitute Office Person (when the parish administrator is away) – Respond to voicemails and emails in the parish administrator’s absence. You would also be available to support the clergy and other staff if they had a task, such as printing and assembling mailings, etc. You would not necessarily have to work in person in the office, or during regular opening hours, although that may be appreciated.
Send an email to saintandrews@saintandrewsseattle.org or call the church office to discuss your interest in any of these volunteer roles! 206-523-7476.
Vestry Member – The Vestry is responsible for the financial well-being of the parish and the care and maintenance of our buildings and grounds. However, at St. Andrew’s, the Vestry is often consulted about other matters pertaining to our parish vision, mission, and outreach. Each Vestry member is elected at the Annual Meeting and serves a three-year term. Meetings are once per month for 90 minutes. There may be other duties of leadership and oversight required as determined by the Rector and Vestry. An ideal Vestry member is a person of faith who is willing to exercise leadership and oversight in the parish. We need a variety of skills and perspectives for a functional Vestry. Please consider serving your parish in this important way. For more information, please contact Senior Warden Andrew Benson at andrb@hotmail.com, Junior Warden Lily Nichols at lily.nichols@yahoo.com, or Interim Rector Rachel Endicott at rachele@saintandrewsseattle.org. Your name will then be considered by the Nominations Committee for inclusion on the slate of candidates at the next Annual Meeting.
Teen Feed Cooks & Volunteers – We are looking for volunteers for the Teen Feed program at St. Andrew’s. Teen Feed is a program that provides a hot, nutritious meal and other services to teens in need in the University District. St. Andrew’s participates by providing a meal once a month (every third Wednesday). Volunteers are needed every month to help with meal preparation and transport. Please contact Gretchen Hayslip at ghayslip@msn.com if you have questions or are interested in volunteering.
Lay Readers, Prayer Leaders, and Healing Ministers – It was 1975, and the Diocese of Olympia was opening up the ministry of lay reading to women. I thought I’d like to try that; so I took the training and the test and became a licensed lay reader. Who would have thought all these years later I would still be doing that? I love St. Andrew’s for the people and the opportunity to contribute to the life of the community in various ways, including lay reading. For the past six years, I’ve also been scheduling the lay ministers for our services: lay readers and eucharistic ministers, prayer leaders, and healing ministers. As you consider how you might contribute to the life of St. Andrews’ community, I invite you to join us as a lay reader, a prayer leader, or a healing minister. Would you like to join this ministry in its new season of mostly virtual reading of the lessons? How about serving as a healing minister on Sunday mornings by telephone—praying with folks individually? Or maybe leading the prayers when we get back to in-person services? We are always welcoming to new people getting involved in these ministries, no experience necessary; we provide training. Let me or Fr. Rich know of your interest. Thank you! Sharon Wilson, thuja8@comcast.net
Usher Ministry – I first ushered at St. Andrew’s on Christmas Eve 1993. What I most appreciate about St. Andrew’s is the people, and ushering allows me to greet people at the door. The first person one often encounters when arriving for Sunday worship is the usher. Last year, a parishioner told me that one Sunday he arrived at church in a bad mood, but the warm greetings from the ushers brightened his spirits and changed his day. We definitely welcome new volunteers to this important ministry. We would especially encourage younger members. If you’re interested, contact me at van.bobbitt@gmail.com. – Van Bobbitt
Seeking Saint Andrew’s Shop Managers – Saint Andrew’s created a new online shop at http://www.saintandrewsseattle.org/shop. All items that we have sold in person in the past at St. Andrew’s we would like to be able to make available for sale online! To do so, we are seeking one or two managers for the Saint Andrew’s Online Shop. The first would be an online manager whose job is to work from home creating and managing the shop. This would involve entering product photos, information, and inventory stock numbers. You would need to communicate with The Showcase to best procure this information, and then communicate with the appropriate buyers, sellers, and drivers, as well as communicating with our Bookkeeper, Kevin. Much of this can be automated. This position could be split between a very technical person and a person who can receive emails and do the communication pieces.
- Qualifications for backend online shop keeper:
- Adept at using WordPress or another online website platform.
- Able to upload pictures, write product descriptions, automate an inventory system
- Willingness to communicate with either the communication’s shop keeper or with showcase managers and finance
- Must have an internet connected computer at home
- Preferred but not necessarily needed: Woo Commerce knowledge and experience Qualifications for communication’s shop keeper
Once we have a backend online shop keeper, the offline shop keeper would be responsible for reading their emails and coordinating with the sellers, buys, and drivers as well as finance. Must be able to read and write emails as well as be willing to communicate by phone with sellers and buyers. Must have a way of receiving emails and making phone calls.
Two by Two Ministry callers – The Two by Two Ministry was created at St. Andrew’s to make sure no one feels alone or isolated. Are you feeling like you might like to give someone a call to check-in and socialize? If so, let us know!! We are partnering callers with people who would like to have another connection with our community.
Creation Keepers – Creation Keepers would like to ask other parishioners who are concerned for the environment to join us and make stewardship of the earth part of their ministry in the church and the world. It can be as simple as joining our Zoom meetings every third Saturday of the month at 3 PM. We would love to have your ideas, your companionship, and your partnership as a Creation Keeper. Please contact us anytime at creationkeepers@saintandrewsseattle.org.
One World – One World Social justice committee continues to meet monthly via Zoom. Our focus is on homelessness and racial inequality. The pandemic exacerbated these issues to nearly epic proportions. We would love to have anyone interested in these causes join us at our next meeting. Please contact Cris Blair to receive more information and a Zoom invitation at crisblab@comcast.net.