April 13 – The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday (intergenerational)
Palm Processional at 8:00am Liturgy
Palm and Donkey Processional at 10:00am Liturgy
April 14 - Holy Monday - Evening Prayer
7:00 – 8:00pm in the Nave
April 16 – Holy Wednesday - Stations of the Cross (intergenerational)
7:00 – 8:00pm in the Nave
April 17 - Maundy Thursday
7:00 – 8:00pm Liturgy w/ Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar in the Nave
April 18 - Good Friday
12 Noon & 7pm Liturgy in the Nave
April 19th - The Great Vigil of Easter (intergenerational)
8:00 – 9:30pm - Liturgy w/ Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist
Kids are invited to come in their pajamas. We will have plenty of participation for kids.
April 20th - Easter Day: The Sunday of the Resurrection (intergenerational)
8am and 10am Liturgy in the Nave
Our Annual Church Easter egg hunt follows the 10am service. Come join in the fun for everyone!
April 13 – The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday (intergenerational) with 8am Palm Processional and 10am Palm and Donkey Processional
April 14 – Holy Monday – Evening Prayer 7-8pm in the Nave
April 16 – Holy Wednesday – Stations of the Cross (intergenerational) 7-8pm in the Nave
April 17 – Maundy Thursday 7-8pm Liturgy w/ Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar in the Nave
April 18 – Good Friday 12 Noon & 7pm Liturgy in the Nave
April 19th – The Great Vigil of Easter (intergenerational) 8- 9:30pm – Liturgy w/ Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist Kids are invited to come in their pajamas. We will have plenty of participation for kids!
April 20th – Easter Day: The Sunday of the Resurrection (intergenerational) 8am and 10am Liturgy in the Nave
Our Annual Church Easter egg hunt follows the 10am service. Come join in the fun for everyone!
Watch our parish video to get a glimpse of our parish life and culture:
Sunday morning Eucharist at 8am & 10am in the Sanctuary. The 10am service is livestreamed.
Contemplative Service on the 1st Sunday evening of the month at 5pm in the Sanctuary.
We also invite you to be spiritually enriched by our Virtual Church resources on Sundays and throughout the week.

We are a diverse, inclusive parish family that will value you as a child of God, encourage you, challenge you to practice Christ’s love, and support your unique ministry.